CK Alien heraldry
Item Description:
Image that was printed on t-shirts as a kingdom fundraiser. Image is the Celestial Kingdoms Heraldry, with the dragon reimaged as an alien.
Text states "Celestial Kingdoms Beware! Here there be monsters!" in yellow followed by a shield shape of yellow with a star, moon, star design at the top, and a curved alien at the bottom. with the words "Reign 47" at the bottom
Item Type:
Item Use:
Item Use Notes:
Represents the kingdom and was used as a kingdom fundraiser
Original Owner:
Current Owner:
Acquired Date:
Wednesday, January 1, 2014
Creation Date:
Wednesday, January 1, 2014
Item Creation Notes:
Printed onto shirts by Raban and his Criminal Class Creations crew at the Devil's Bayou.
Distributing Chapter:
Event Distributed:
Distributing State or Province:
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