Emerald Hills election propaganda Qintahr
Item Description:
Election poster for Emerald Hills, originally posted https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10153347746349396&set=gm.6793868...
Poster is rectangular, green, with the words "SIR QINTAHR For Regenet of the Emerald Hills" on the top, and "UNITY STRENGTH HONOR" on the bottom. There is an image of hills, with a phoenix and a male with pointed ears in the center, over a sunburst pattern.
Item Type:
Item Use:
Item Use Notes:
Used to promote a candidate for Emerald Hills
Original Owner:
Current Owner:
Acquired Date:
Tuesday, May 12, 2015
Creation Date:
Tuesday, May 12, 2015
Distributing Chapter:
Event Distributed:
Distributing State or Province:
Distributing Country:
Distribution Notes: